Dried-up Branches

by Mike Ratliff

Bill Hybels and his Willowcreek “organization” have recently made quite a confession. It started when they did a survey of the members of their congregation. The survey was an attempt to evaluate how effective their ministries were. From the beginning they have always used numbers to determine how effective they were. After all, that is how marketing is done. Right?

What have those of us outside of the seeker sensitive paradigm been saying from the beginning about what is wrong with it? Isn’t it that their Soteriology is flawed? They have a man-focused concept of how people are saved. They assume that salvation is simply a decision and, therefore, they try to be as friendly with the world as possible so they can ease huge numbers of people into their church.

We contend that the Gospel without total dependence upon the understanding that all people are completely helpless in meeting God’s standards of obedience, which is His Law, is not the Gospel at all. The seeker sensitive model totally eliminates the offense of the cross and why it was necessary. Therefore, the gospel they preach is not the real Gospel at all.

What did the Willowcreek surveys show? They showed that the “seekers” that attended their church loved it. They were very happy there and liked the way they did church. However, the believers there, were not happy. They were hungry. They wanted to be fed the truth from God’s Word. They wanted to be discipled. In a way that should encourage us some because that means there are genuine believers there. Only genuine believers want to be fed from God’s Word.

Bill Hybels admitted that their methods were a mistake. They were going to have to make adjustments or changes in how they did things so that they could begin to “feed their sheep.” Amazing! Haven’t we been pointing this out to these people all along? Salvation is not in our hands nor is it our responsibility to save anyone. We contend that we must be obedient in sharing the Gospel correctly with everyone, but we must leave their salvation up to God to draw them into prayer to plead for their souls. They will do this as the Holy Spirit regenerates them and draws them to repent and believe.

I contend that the seeker sensitive advocates, the new evangelism folks, the emergents, the ReThinkers, the Word-Faith people, and the Oneness Pentecostal folks have one thing in common. They are all focused on elevating Man and demoting God. They may not say that in those words, but they all reject the truth we learn from Ephesians 2:8-10.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV)

What is it they reject? It is that little phrase, “not a result of works.” They include Baptism as a requirement for salvation or they require membership in their denomination or they require the speaking in tongues or they require a person to make a decision, etc. Any dependence on a “work” to be saved is a violation of what Paul wrote in that passage. He said that all who are saved are saved through faith and that faith is not of their own doing. Instead, it is a gift of God, not a result of works. Why? God does it this way so that no one may boast.

Anyone who “believes” as the result of the ministries that are “works” based in their Soteriology will also attempt to walk the Christian walk via will power. After all, they are Christians because they made the right decision so they must work and do good, etc. by “deciding.” They are trying to please God with their good works and those works are all by their own abilities and effort. I know because that describes how I walked this walk for nearly 20 years until God drew me to Himself and into the light.

Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic monk before God saved Him. He tried everything he could do to try to be good and perfect to try to please God, but he knew that he was a sinful man and couldn’t do it. It nearly drove him mad and almost ruined his health. Here are his own words about this in reference to John 15:6.

If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. (John 15:6 ESV)

“When I was a monk, I read the mass daily. I weakened myself with prayer and fasting so much that I couldn’t have kept it up for much longer. Yet all of my efforts couldn’t help me in the smallest temptation. I could never say to God, “I have done all this. Look at it, and be merciful to me.” What did I achieve with all this striving? Nothing. I merely tormented myself, ruined health, and wasted my time. Now I’m forced to listen to Christ’s judgment on my works. He says, ‘You did all this without me. That’s why it amounts to nothing. Your works don’t belong in my kingdom. They can’t help you or anyone else obtain eternal life.’”

“So in this passage, Christ has passed a terrifying judgment over all works—no matter how great, glorious, and beautiful they might appear. If these works are performed apart from Christ, they amount to nothing. They may appear to be great in the eyes of the world, for the world considers them excellent and precious. But in Christ’s kingdom and before God, they are truly nothing. They don’t grow out of him, nor do they remain in him. They won’t pass God’s test. As Christ says, they will be tossed into the fire as if they were rotten, withered branches—branches without any sap or strength. So let others carve from these branches and see what they can create apart from Christ. Let them try to fashion a new birth from their good works. Let them try to create a tree from its fruit. No matter what they do, all of their works will add up to a big zero. – Martin Luther

Seeker sensitive churches or any church that is man-focused will be worldly. They must be so they won’t offend people with the Law and the genuine Gospel. Worldly churches are led by dried up branches. The fruit of these ministries will be mostly dried up branches. Why? These ministries are works apart from Christ. The world may love them, but they are worthless in the eyes of God.

30 thoughts on “Dried-up Branches

  1. I get it, am with you all the way here. But why the comment on the Oneness folks demoting God? I am Trinitarian, not Oneness but I couldn’t connect the dots on that one.


  2. Sadly, I don’t believe Hybels is truly repentant. I receive Lighthouse Trails Research emails and the last one I received said that he wants to teach people to feed themselves. Hybels was introduced to mystics like Merton and Nouwen by his wife and now he is into spiritual formation, adopting the dark ages practices of getting closer to God through various exercises. How close can one get if one is Spirit-filled and Spirit-led? Anyone who thinks that they can do certain things to get closer to God show that they have not God. Well, we shall see if he restores the Creeker churches to God’s standards or not. He has started on the wrong foot again. I have wondered when the Creeker churches are going to put Labrynths on their grounds…


  3. There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. Ro 3:11

    Obviously “Seeker Sensitive” churches are not trying to fill their buildings with people looking for God. What does man seek? Man seeks anything that builds themself up in their own eyes.


  4. Yup, my parents have a seeker church,also. Free movies in the field this past summer but buy your treats from us. 🙂 Giving away water bottles in the parade with your church sticker on them. ($3,000 worth !!!) They need people to pay for that new building so it’s fun program after fun program for the community. Now they are going to have a Harvest Festival and did mention that people pray about extra giving to pay off some of the mortgage.


  5. JC

    Oneness teaches a false view of God that is a human understanding of what the Bible says instead of the Spiritual understanding of what the Bible says. Oneness Pentecostalism also teaches salvation by works (Baptism and Tongues and you must be a member of their denomination, etc). That elevates man and demotes God because our salvation is His work alone, not ours. We are saved by faith through grace, not of ourselves lest we may boast. Does that connect the dots?

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  6. Well said Sherry C. I listened to the The Way of the Master Radio show yesterday where this was all laid out. I agree with you, Hybels is not repentant. He just keeps repeating the same mistakes. He is a dried up branch.


  7. Good article Mike. You and Ken are on a roll here! You both are sure telling it like it is. Thank you. And also, what a better way to reach some people than by internet!


  8. What’s really sad to me right now is my daughter told her son that he can swear at kids if they pick on him. I don’t like kids picking on others either and he does have the right to defend himself,but swearing at them! She needs lot’s of prayers! She is getting worse by the week! My poor grandchildren. 😦


  9. I have had a walk of faith that has spanded from my childhood till now at the age of 47 years old. I am often asked about issues that I have in my life that are at once tragic—yet at the same time miracles of God’s grace toward me. Many times, even my own mother has asked me—How do you cope? How do you feel when this or that issue has assailed, humbled or hurt you? How do I cope? I am not a “saint”—but I do believe that it cannot be a work of myself either—-I have experience abuse on all fronts—I have been victimized directly and in directly—-But what comes clear to my mind and my spirit is that —God’s grace is sufficient for me!!! My faith has given me the ability not to judge while all around me others judge. My faith has given me the ability to love when all others would have fought—My story can not be shared here—but read my blog and then you will know—Our God Reigns!!! Or as Paul stated that, “The Lord placed a thorn in his side that he might not boast!” I can truly relate to Paul—for it is then that your faith as a believer is not a work that you can boast of—but instead a work in which you open yourself to his Word, and a quiet spirit takes over and leads your path—be inspired—for today your blog has truly inspired me!


  10. Mike,

    I’ve always wondered if the people who end up in the seeker, PDL churches are the ones who are relying on their “decision” to have that sincere salvation “experience.” When they decide to “accept” and “invite” and want a “personal relationship”, it makes them very angry if anyone questions them in any way. I had someone recently tell me, “I’m a Christian and that’s that!!!!!! “


  11. Alice, it is a huge mistake to look at one’s religiosity to determine genuineness as you surmised. I fear that huge numbers of these people will be the goats on Jesus’ left at the judgment.


  12. Thanks for the reply—-so often it is like a desert out there….I work in a difficult field—but the Lord always shows me that he is there within me –guiding me and beside me during those diifficult times. Sometimes I go to a quiet place and regroup with the Lord—I say Psalm 23 and really, really mean it. It gets me through the day. I cannot understand how anyone cannot communicate with the Lord—I truly do not have all the answers —but I know that the Lord has the answers just as he has numbered the hairs on all of our heads!!! God bless—and good night!


  13. Such divisiveness is not good. 87% of the population is unchurched… more than two-thirds unsaved… Islam is the fastest rising false religion on the planet… and you want to waste energy on how people choose to do church in America??? Grow up.

    All Willow Creek’s admission means is that they need to balance evangelism with discipleship better than they have. There will always be this friction between the long-time Christians who clamor “feed me… feed me” and new Christians or unbelievers who aren’t ready for that level of nourishment. It would be like feeding steak to a newborn.

    By self-feeding, Hybels means believers should be motivated to be in the word on their own and being fed by the Spirit in between Sundays. For too many long-time Christians, their spiritual walk consists of sitting in the pew and listening for an hour on Sunday morning. That may be feeding, but it is tube feeding. If they don’t hear what they want to hear, they’re disappointed or angry. What about getting into the Word Monday through Saturday and letting the Spirit nourish you?

    Christ went out and gave living water to the thirsty, hope to the oppressed, healing to the sick, food to the hungry. But first and foremost, He went out and gave. He didn’t sit back and expect people to come to Him. He went out of His way to meet people where they were in life… not where He was.

    I’m not angry with any of you. Just saddened that you think it is somehow bad when a church hands water out at a parade… or you gloat and say “I told you so” when a church survey suggests better balance is needed… or let editorial opinions from Lighthouse Trails pass for truth.

    What would Paul say if he was alive today? I think Philippians 1:15-18 gives us a clue.

    Phl 1:15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.

    Phl 1:16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.

    Phl 1:17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.

    Phl 1:18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.


  14. Mike,

    You make a huge assumption that the gospel that Hybels and Warren espouse is the real gospel that saves. What good does it do to have thousands of converts when 99.9% of them are goats? Is God glorified in that? You also make the assumption that your efforts of seeker-sensitive evangelism will solve the problems you state. Only God can do that, not Rick Warren or Bill Hybels. You are focused on numbers. God is not. We are not.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  15. I’m the one that was complaining about wasting $3000.00 to pass out water at a parade. That isn’t preaching the gospel.
    God gives the increase not bottled water. Give them some living water. The kind were you will never thirst again. 🙂


  16. Mike, had Hybels done church the biblical way in the first place he would not need to repent of the way he has done it. It is one thing to make a mistake in areas of,let’s say, giving to a missions fund which turns out to be very unwise, and the mistake of how to make disciples. Scriptures are clear that church is for believers and for the making of disciples and for the preaching of the Gospel to the unsaved. There’s a whole lot of ministries out there who have exposed Hybels and his false ways. You are blinded to the truth because you admire the man. But you must love Christ and the Word of God above that. When that happens you will know the truth of God’s expectations of the pastors and the church gathering. And you will see that Hybels has done church his own way, not God’s way.


  17. Mike, Hybels and Warren do church according to Peter Drucker’s business methods. It makes the members of the churches who follow their model nothing more than assets (or liabilities, if you disagree). If you are in a Creeker church you are nothing more than a commodity. You will say that you see it as a loving church who cares about people. I will say that that is suspect. Is it true that they care or are they trying to protect their bottom line? Increase in members means increase in monies. Now Hybels is into every fad on the “church market”. It is all for the sake of what people want so there is increase. He hasn’t repented of his ways and turned to God’s ways. He is still watching out for his bottom line. He makes merchandise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Think about it. He is a popular pastor and there is too much flattery coming his way. It has ruined him with pride. He makes headlines. If he were to truly repent it would make the news. And I mean secular news. That is just too risky for business! I pray God will show you and everyone who admires this man just what God thinks of such antics.


  18. Well, I just received an update on Hybel’s foibles.In Willow Creek’s Fall magazine (Vol 14, Issue 4 ) it has articles revealing the direction they are going in. Nothing new, just more upfront. This issue emphasizes their “Ministry Shifts”. Some article titles are “Seismic Shifts” which has the overall warning message to Creeker churches to “change or die”, (sound familiar?); “Rediscovering Spiritual Formation”, an article about contemplative prayer- mysticism (occultic) of the dark ages; “The Changing Face of Worship” and “Shifts in the Missional Mindset”. There is a very good article at takeheed.net also. Hybels is going to make disciples but not of Christ. Wake up, Creekers! Come out from among them!


  19. My daughter attends a Willow Creek based church. She has been faithful with her attendance, tithing, and serving since she moved to the area. She has suffered for years with panic attacks. She has a bad spell with it about every 4 years. Recently she had another attack with panic and depression, she confided to her small group that she would have to take her meds for the rest of her life unless God intervenes. (has taken meds before but stops them after she’s better) and shared some of her deeest fears which bring on the panic. She has been asked by the director of the music team to step down from singing for 3 months and she would be re-evaluated at the end of this time. My daughter was devastated because her service in singing has been a great source of comfort to her. She also had to work very hard to become a member of the praise team, which included auditions and interviews. This has really stiffled her recovery and set her back a bit. When she questioned it, they became very UNSENSITIVE and said that she was wanting to sing just to “hold a mic in front of 2000 people every week”. They also said, that they feared she had “been a fake for the past two years and they were fooled into thinking she was a Christ follower”. My daughter received Christ as her savior at age 9 and remembers it vividly. However, when she has the panic attacks, she fears dying and doubts her salvation.l Once she’s back to normal, she’s ok, but she has a problem. When she needed the church the most, and confided to them as they want you to, it’s almost like she’s punished for not being a Super Christian and somehow embarrassing the ones in charge for letting her pass under the radar. She committed no moral or illegal act…she has an illness….that they find beneath them. I’ve visited several times and have never heard anything from God’s Word. I’ve heard how to have a better marriage, better bank account, better prayer life, but nothing directly from God’s Word. This church has disturbed me for some time, and now I see the full picture. They have signs up that say, “This ain’t your moma’s church” , well, they’re right about that!!!


  20. Amen Cathy, I am sorry your daughter is suffering like this, but I here from folks all the time who have experienced the “you are struggling so you must not be a Super Christian” put down from their leadership. It is quite sad, but I pray that God will use this to rescue you daughter from their clutches.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


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