Can A Leopard Change Its Spots?

by Mike Ratliff

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then also you can do good who are accustomed to do evil. (Jeremiah 13:23 ESV)

compromise [kom-prom-mize]


1. settlement of a dispute by concessions on each side: everyone pleaded for compromise, the compromise was only reached after hours of hard bargaining

2. the terms of such a settlement

3. something midway between different things


[-mising, -mised]

1. to settle (a dispute) by making concessions

2. to put (oneself or another person) in a dishonourable position


being, or having the nature or, a compromise: a compromise solution [Latin compromittere to promise at the same time]

compromising adj

Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006

As one who left a church because it becoming Purpose Driven back in 2006 I awaited with much anticipation the results of Bob DeWaay and Chris Rosebrough going to Saddleback to interview Rick Warren. Bob’s book Redefining Christianity is a wonderful exposition the PDC paradigm. Chris is part of our discernment team at CRN and has an awesome blog called Extreme Theology. In any case some of us were a bit surprised when Bob and Chris returned saying what a wonderful host Rick Warren was and how there was no acrimony between them as they discussed the issues.

However, the more I pondered this and discussed things with friends and fellow warriors I began to see that what is really happening is that Mr. Warren is working very hard to change his image. I spent most of today researching the Purpose Driven Church model, Church Transitions, and Rick Warren and was very surprised to find that most of the material that came up in my searches was dated to 2006.

Bob DeWaay said in Redefining Christianity that Rick Warren is responsible for the gutting of the Church. It is through the Purpose Driven Church model along with the “helps” such as Church Transitions that our churches were transformed from traditional to purpose driven. It is this process that caused many of us to lose our church homes. We either left voluntarily as I did or were asked to leave by the pastor.

The PDC model along with Church Transitions has sections pertaining to dealing with “resisters.” They are looked at as just troublemakers. Dan Southerland of Church Transitions calls them whiners who must be dealt with. He calls it playing hardball. Rick Warren is quoted as saying that the transition of a church will always come against those who try to stop it and these must either leave or die. He wasn’t threatening to kill anyone, but his point was that it would be better if they just died off.

I was a Deacon in another Church in the 1980’s through the 1990’s. It was a traditional Southern Baptist Church in Oklahoma. We lost our Pastor in 1992. Our new Pastor was very different. He made sweeping changes. One of the first things he got rid of was Precept Bible studies. I was one of the leaders so this hurt a bit. He got rid of the Choir. He got rid of the hymnals. The pews on the stage for the choir were taken out so the drum set could be setup. He played bass. His brother played guitar. He had young men from High School play the drums. Almost all of my friends from the time we had joined that church in 1987 left within the first six months of this new Pastor coming on board.

I was ready to leave because I was no longer teaching nor was I being fed. I should have listened to the Spirit here because there were other warning signs. My son is very smart, but not an athlete. He was about 11 when this new Pastor came on board and within an year my son didn’t want to go to Sunday School anymore. He just didn’t fit in to the new style.

Back then I had never heard of Bill Hybels or Rick Warren. However, this new Pastor flew all of the Church ministers to Chicago for a week to visit Hybel’s church then a few months later he took them all to California to visit Saddleback. I believe this was before the Purpose Driven Church book was published. In any case, from that point on our Church became focused entirely on reaching one age group, young adults in their late 20’s and early 30’s.

The reason we left in 2000 was that I was transferred from OKC to Tulsa by the company I worked for. We were in Tulsa for about 18 months then moved to the Kansas City area in 2001 after I was recruited by the company I work for now. The church we joined in 2001 also went Purpose Driven in 2006. However, there were signs that something was up almost 2 years before I left in the first week of May 2006. It started in late 2004 when I was in the midst of my own personal revival. I was asked to become part of a committee to rewrite the Church Constitution. I found it very interesting when those that chose me said that the Pastor was not part of the committee. I didn’t know what they meant by that.

In any case, as we began work on it I had just finished my first book so I was given the task of writing paragraphs that others drafted. However, I was very surprised that our Pastor was at every meeting. He guided us into everything. He would not allow us to change anything without his input. The main thing that changed in the Constitution was the addition of our Purpose Statement. The more I thought about that the more I began to become very uneasy with all of this focus on “churchy” things when what we should have been concerned about was the preaching of the Word and the discipling of our people. It was as if those things were unimportant.

Over the next year or so our Pastor became increasingly hard to understand in his sermons. He kept talking about his vision for the Church. Late in 2005 he began preaching through Nehemiah. He kept focusing on Nehemiah dealing with troublemakers, et cetera. It was about this time that I came to know Ingrid and Ken at the old Slice of Laodicia blog. Ken shared a great deal in his posts about the Purpose Driven Church model and what really went on during a transition. It was as if he was describing exactly what was going on in our church. A few weeks later our Pastor gave me a book to read. It was Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Church. I almost fell down.

There was a meeting planned to discuss the implementation of the PDC model and he wanted me to read the book and be ready to discuss it. I already knew more about the PDC model then anyone else at our church and I knew that God was expecting me to stand against it. I wrote a paper which I gave our Pastor the last Sunday of April of 2006. I had to be out of town the following Sunday when the big meeting was to take place. However, I made sure he got the paper. Several of the men in the church quit talking to me that day and I was looked at with suspicion from that time on.

I went to a Deacon’s meeting the Saturday after we got back from our trip. It was in that meeting that I just sat there and listened to these men plan how they were going to go full bore into the PDC model for our church. On Sunday I went in early to set up my class and found that it was to be absorbed into other classes and I was no longer a teacher. My wife and I left after the early worship service and never went back.

It was surprisingly painful. It caused a great deal of stress between my wife and I. A few weeks later we received a letter from our ex-Pastor. I was at work when it came in. My wife called me and read it to me over the phone. That evening we talked about it. She was very upset with how he blamed me for everything and didn’t even try to talk with us together. It was as if he was writing us off. Since this time we have not been official members of any local church in our area. We have visited a Reformed Southern Baptist Church which met in an elementary school. We visited a Willow Creek knock off church that a coworker of mine attends. We visited a Sovereign Grace Church for quite awhile. Then we visited another SBC church in our town that meets in an elementary school. Then from May 2007 through May 2008 we visited an independent Baptist Church that is Reformed. However, just a month or so ago we were invited to an Orthodox Presbyterian Church in our area. This is where we are going now.

What was so traumatic for us through this is the lack of many really solid churches in our area. So many are either going after the PDC or Willow Creek thing or they are focused on all the wrong things, such as religiosity or man-pleasing, watered-down theology. Bob DeWaay was right. Rick Warren has gutted the American Church and he has been vilified and confronted about it for the last several years. However, now he is working to make peace with some of his strongest opponents. Is the Leopard attempting to change his spots?

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then also you can do good who are accustomed to do evil. (Jeremiah 13:23 ESV)

I do not think that Rick Warren is changing anything except how he interacts with those who effectively oppose him and his ministry. One of the things he is attempting to do now is disavow any responsibility for the things such as I shared above. I contend that he is responsible and God will hold him to that because it was from his attempt to change the Church into his Purpose Driven Church model, which is the merger of secular marketing techniques ala Ken Blanchard with a way to do Church that seeks to please the masses instead of Christians, that gutted the Church. Warren’s act of listening to and responding to Chris and Bob at the meeting at Saddleback is not an act of repentance. He may be seeking some sort of compromise. However, I promise you that he will give up nothing, but expect us to move more in his direction. Just because there is no acrimony does not mean the man is willing to repent or is doing so.

Our response must be to be Christlike in our rebukes of Rick Warren and those who support him and become his apologists. We must not stoop to mud slinging or name calling. No, we must take the high road, but that does not mean we stop speaking and writing the truth. Yes, dialog with the man, but never compromise. Never forget that God is Sovereign. All of the attacks on the Church are allowed by God to test us. Are we passing the test? If we go after what is man-pleasing just to get along then we fail. However, if we stand, even in the face of withering fire from those who oppose us, we pass the test.

Yes, please pray that Rick Warren and company will repent. However, never forget, it was our Lord speaking through Jeremiah who said that those accustomed to doing evil can change just like a leopard can change its spots. It cannot happen unless God breaks them and grants them repentance.

Soli Deo Gloria

Addendum: Collateral Damage from Watcher’s Lamp

38 thoughts on “Can A Leopard Change Its Spots?

  1. Mike,

    Amen. Remembered the ‘feeding frenzy’ CRN.(mis)info got into when Chris R (rather unwisely and insensitively IMO), praised Warren for his hospitality, and Richard Abanes jumped into the foray with his spin doctoring.


  2. Yes I do remember that Daniel. ‘Feeding frenzy’ is a good description. I’ve been in a few of those and I agree that it feels much like a mass of sharks trying to tear you to pieces. I pray you are doing well brother.


  3. I do not believe we can accurately assign motive to Rick Warren’s hospitality. It just might be sincere kindness as opposed to strategy, only God can know that.

    His program has many shortcomings, but his heart cannot be judged.


  4. No, but his actions sure can Rick and we must do so…
    Also, he is disavowing responsibility for the decimation of the Church while appearing to be conciliatory. This is an attempt to shift the guilt. It is like a child denying any wrongdoing after he or she enticed another child to set fire to the house. No matter how nice or innocent acting the child is, the guilt still sticks whether punishment ensues or not. Yes, God will judge. On the other hand, what would be different if the child confesses truthfully and changes his or her behavior accordingly? This is what we are seeking from mister Warren.


  5. The reason he doesn’t see the problems with the PDL is because…well…he doesn’t see it. A person can be deceived and still be genuinely kind without any sinister motives. I draw a dsitinct difference between doctrinal issues and personal behavior. And I am one who was forced out because I would not teach the PDL.

    Some people seem afraid that if they acknowledge that Rick warren seems to be friendly and not an ogre that it will compromise their anit-PDL position. Just reading some of the hysteria on ET reveals people sometimes are driven by emotion which spills over to a distinct dislaike and almost hatred for Rick Warren. That is wrong.


  6. Rick, How about the reaction of the spin-doctors for RW who act as if the man walks on water? Aren’t they saying that his niceness here indicates that he has done nothing wrong? Seems to me they are contributing to the deception and this makes them culpable…

    Also, behavior and what is said comes from the heart. It is the true indicator of what is within. Right? So if a person says one thing, but acts differently what does that say?


  7. “So if a person says one thing, but acts differently what does that say?”

    That would apply to two men of the Reformation as well. (L and C) A person can be kind and deceived and a person can preach truth and be unkind. The two are not always congruous. Rick Warren was a genuinely kind man way before he became a pastor, and way before the PDL.


  8. What I am referring to here Rick is the hypocrisy of Rick Warren refusing to take responsibility for what he has done. If he is blind to the fact that untold numbers of Christians have been hurt by the PDC then why would anyone trust the man? I sure don’t. Then when he is kind and nice and appears to be conciliatory to those who oppose what he is doing then we must ask why?

    We are commanded by our Lord to be as wise as serpents and and as harmless as doves. Right? So, in my wisdom, which comes from God, I see what RW has done and I rebuke him and warn as many as possible about the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Do I send hitmen out to kill him? No. Do I slander him? No. I just tell the truth. Do I hate RW? No, I pray for him to repent. We are told to make Righteous judgment in God’s Word. This is what I try to do here. No slander. No untruths. No innuendo. Just the facts.


  9. “Then when he is kind and nice and appears to be conciliatory to those who oppose what he is doing then we must ask why? ”

    Mike – One possibility is that he is both decieved and has always been kind. To include Warren’s kindness to some sinister motive compromises the real issue. And who is “trusting the man”? By admiting he was kind to his opponents is not compromising, not admitting it seems to be untrue. Even Chris R, who did not change his view at all, admitted Warren was hospitable and kind.

    “We are told to make Righteous judgment in God’s Word.”

    Not about motives.


  10. Rick, until RW repents then I view all he says and does within that Righteous Judgment. If I see kindness but no repentance then I HAVE to make the judgement that he is trying to get us to back off and view him differently. What I am saying is I change nothing about how I view the man until he repents. He can be nice all he wants, but until the fruit of repentance is seen nothing changes.


  11. I really enjoyed the last part about taking a point of view of forebearance. I think that is the most difficult of virtues. I like the statement that he who throws mud must first get his hands dirty. Then again, I don’t shower a lot…


  12. It is so important to judge by the Word alone. I had a friend that met with Rick Warren and thought he was the nicest man and said we would just love him. If RW teachings held up against the Word he has a lot of repenting to do. He caused grave damage. It is in character for him to appease and try to get those that have spoken out against him to come on board. I think he must have been a bit surprised that there were so many discerning christians that saw the through the false gospel and called him on the carpet. He is changing tactics, no longer just throwing out troublemakers, instead trying to get them to come on board. I see deception, subtle, kind deception. The worst kind of deception because it is difficult to detect. I can not judge if he is a pawn and deceived himself or if he is deceiving with intent to deceive. We cannot judge his heart, but be careful of judging by emotion. False teaching is false teaching. Heed the warning in scripture. Pray always for discernment.

    Mark 13:6
    For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.


  13. Warren is not teaching what the following false teachers did, however any chance Gnostic teachers and Judaizers were “hospitable and kind” as well? So, in the end what does this prove? Nothing.


  14. Rick, hmmm sort of like a Venus Flytrap or Pitcher Plant. Those insects who end up being killed by them believe that they are going to be safe and have a nice meal because of the enticements offered by those plants, but then before they can escape they find themselves doomed.

    RW may well be naturally nice and kind. However, those with discernment with God’s Wisdom see through the niceness and are not deceived. Those without will be enticed by it and then find themselves in big trouble. We must look at what people DO AND SAY, not just at how “nice” they are.


  15. > was ready to leave because I was no longer teaching nor was I being fed.

    Oh so you’re one of those selfish people that needs to be spoonfed eh?? Weeell Bill Hybels even said that people have to learn to become self feeders. (tell me then why they should want to stay in the church to ‘feed’ other people?)

    >Jim Southerland of Church Transitions calls them whiners who must be dealt with. He calls it playing hardball.

    I think it’s Dan Southerland — unless he has a brother as partners in crime. Dan Southerland is the author of Transitioning and in it he calls these people “Sanballats” — Sanballat was a leader from hell, he says, who opposed Nehemiah’s project. (never mind that these people are FAR closer to Nehemiah than the PD pastor is because they want to REBUILD THE PROTECTIVE WALL AROUND THE CHURCH!). He says something like “you can’t call a person like that leaders from hell… but you could call him Sanballat.”

    So after he instructs you how to publicly humiliate and ostracize everyone who objects, THEN in some of the next chapters he tells you how to make legitimate course corrections. Will there be ANYONE LEFT who will stick their neck out at that point to tell you what needs correcting?

    Of course not.

    I found it very interesting when those that chose me said that the Pastor was not part of the committee. I didn’t know what they meant by that.
    In any case, as we began work on it I had just finished my first book so I was given the task of writing paragraphs that others drafted. However, I was very surprised that our Pastor was at every meeting. He guided us into everything. He would not allow us to change anything without his input.

    Oh how very familiar! Our pastor did those kinds of things too. Never afraid to jump out of his ‘jurisdiction’ to reroute anything that was going where he didn’t like. In addition we found he was going around and secretly undermining and outright undoing things that committees had decided on with him present, if he had felt uncomfortable speaking up against the decision at that time. And at the same time chastising my husband for having lunch with someone from church without telling him that they discussed church music and what exactly they talked about.

    (apparently having a social life with church members outside of church means we must keep minutes and submit them for approval to the pastor?)

    The nominating committee nominated a very good (humanly speaking) man who had a lot of discernment TWICE for church chair. The first time, he accepted. Within days pastor called him and basically questioned his ability to fulfill the office and ‘strongly suggested’ he withdraw from the nomination. My friend, wanting to be ‘submissive’ to the pastor, did so, although he was peeved about it. He did not inform the nominating committee what had happened (again out of respect for the pastor). The other person running was the one Todd wanted in place, and he was in place when I rebuked Todd.

    During that time another nominating cycle came up. My friend Dave was asked again to run. He said he’d think about it. Before he could get back to the nominating committee, they called him and said that they decided (explicitly against nominating committee guidelines) that since Glen was willing to serve another term, they wouldn’t entertain any further nominations. The excuse given was because it was so hard to find people willing to serve.


    My friend had been going to turn them down but they didn’t know that. What happened was Todd had found out they called him, and he did NOT want a sympathetic voice to take over the kangaroo court I was being subject to.

    I asked him in the last meeting (the only meeting he attended regarding us! Even though he was present at EVERY other church meeting to make his input known) why he had not been involved or been here to talk with us with the council present. His answer was because he felt it was not his place and so he turned it over to the council to handle. (never mind that he was meeting with the council at times we weren’t there, to discuss the progress of the ‘trial’ and jump down anyone’s throat who disagreed. One completely innocent middle aged guy suggested the process was getting ridiculous and was almost laughable, and he jumped down his throat in front of everyone there. To defuse the situation (or something like this, shortly after that confrontation,) Glen held a vote by raise of hands, with Todd in the room!

    “Does everyone support the direction of the church?” (all raised hands, including the guy who had just been whipped by Todd, because he was scared)
    “Raise your hand if you have no issues with Todd’s conduct or behavior” (all raise hands)
    “Raise your hand if you have no doctrinal issues with pastor Todd” (all raised hands)

    I think there was a fourth vote but I can’t recall right now what it was.

    This vote was used at the next meeting with us to say that our concerns have no merit and were we ready to apologize/recant? (this after we had agreed with the council to try another approach to solving this problem, an approach of some extended discussions on the actual ISSUES that caused the confrontation. So basically totally wasted our time in that meeting pretending they were going to be understanding and listen to our concerns.)

    One of the things he is attempting to do now is disavow any responsibility for the things such as I shared above.

    This reminds me of a (cute for the age) story of my cousin Crissy. I remember when we were little a handful of us cousins were all sitting in the living room at the farm (where my mom and her siblings grew up) and Crissy pranced in. She was about age 4 or 5 at the time. Perky little thing, very CHARMING. She for some reason grabbed a roll of scotch tape off the coffee table and ripped off a HUGE piece of it, and started to prance back out of the room. One of my cousins says “Crissy don’t do that!” and she pertly turned around and said “I didn’t!” and then continued to prance out of the room. We all turned and just looked at each other for a long moment, and then started laughing.

    It was kind of cute for a four year old, but Rick is old enough to know that denial of the obvious doesn’t work with most adults.

    Our response must be to be Christlike in our rebukes of Rick Warren and those who support him and become his apologists. We must not stoop to mud slinging or name calling.

    Does this apply to Abanes too? You mean I can’t call him twinkle toes?

    I mean hey, I wouldn’t object to anyone calling me “the bird lady” or “deer slayer” or “vermin killer” or something else from my resume…


    BTW I am trying to rack my brain to find someplace where I thought someone was taking the low road against RW. I’m just not finding it. Yet Chris now feels he must modify his ‘tone’ against these false teachers. This alarms me, and tells me RW has found the chink in Chris’s armor. All he wants to do is find out what makes us flinch. In a battle you know that a flinch can cost you your life.

    “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” (Luther’s Works. Weimar Edition. Briefwechsel [Correspondence], vol. 3, pp. 81f.)

    In addition chastising the people who expressed to Chris their alarm and dismay with the same sort of hyperbole Chris turned around and used on them in the Mike Corley program, while extending praise to Rick Warren only exacerbates the problem. This is wrong and insulting to those who have stood for truth and are still angry about the lie being foisted upon the church in the name of her bridegroom.


  16. Paula,

    Thanks for sharing all of that. I corrected the Jim to Dan. 🙂 Thanks, I had so many links to put into this post last night that I typed one name while thinking I was typing the other. 🙂

    You bring up an interesting point. I think what we are really saying with Rick’s seeming niceness here is that he is seeking to disarm those who oppose him. In a battle you cannot allow this. If the person you are fighting does not surrender, but stops fighting and acts friendly do you drop you guard? No, you cannot. So, to say that we should not be wary of RW’s change in behavior is simply foolish.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  17. Mike:

    yes, by God’s grace I am doing well. How I wish I have 48 hours/day so that I can do the necessary research and reading also. =)


    Yup, spin doctoring is the word.

    Rick Frueh:

    I agree with Mike on this. And stating that Warren is hospotible and kind does not change anything with regards to his errors and deadly compromise.


  18. >If the person you are fighting does not surrender, but stops fighting and acts friendly do you drop your guard?

    [Satire on] Hey, I think this is a very good tactic. No honorable man will attack you that way. Just act nice and helpless. [Satire off]


  19. Don’t confuse “niceness” with Christlikeness. Go to WorldNet Daily and review the columns of Joseph Farah about RW. When Mr. Farah criticized RW about his trip to Syria, RW tried to win him over with flattery, but Mr. Farah wouldn’t go for the bait.

    If you remember Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, the Catholic authorities were more successful in winning over Thomas Cranmer with “flattery, entreating, and promising” than with threats and punishment.


  20. That’s right Jack, thanks for sharing that. They did win Cranmer over, but burned him anyway.

    The more I ponder this, it really isn’t about us winning and RW losing. It is about standing and passing the test rather than giving in and failing the test.


  21. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. RW knows that as well as anybody. He has not become the Protestant Pope without learning the wiles of any “great politician”. We must be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves!


  22. I was saved at the age of 51 in November 1999 at a Saddleback Men’s Retreat. I was an active member of Saddleback Church for several years, and I have met and spoken with Rick. He is a warm, loving man, with a big heart. He truly believes what he is doing is growing God’s kingdom. He implores Saddleback members to take Jesus into their lives, and work steadily to improve the world.

    I however have an absolute compulsion to share the Gospel with an emphasis on salvation from repentance and acceptance of Christ as my savior. That is my story, a true sinner saved by grace. I also believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and strive each day to follow His instructions, and continually die to myself. Thus I had to leave Saddleback. Rick does not take the Great Commission as his personal task. That is his choice, and I will let God judge him. As for me, God has me in a Bible Teaching church, where sin and repentance are regularly preached. Thank you Lord for leading me to that church.


  23. Larry, Amen brother. I understand exactly where you are coming from. I’m sure that if I was around someone like Rick that I would probably like the man very much. But as you said, we have to obey God and give the Biblical Gospel to everyone.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  24. Larry, Amen brother. I understand exactly where you are coming from. I’m sure that if I was around someone like Rick that I would probably like the man very much. But as you said, we have to obey God and give the Biblical Gospel to everyone.

    In Christ
    Mike Ratliff
    Rick Warren follows the Bible a LOT better than most Christians I know. Especially in areas such as church growth and helping people to really change their lives and esp. in taking the gospel comission to the world. Contrary to what Larry above says, The Gospel comission is an integral part of the whole purpose driven approach and Rick DOES deal with sin and the importance of removing it from our lives. He has a whole chapter in his PDL book on sanctification that is one of the best and most practical every written.


  25. dotoree,

    This is exactly where we disagree with Rick. You see, you say and he says he gives the gospel to everyone, but he doesn’t. He gives the easy-believism, no repentance needed version of it which is not the Gospel. We are not commanded to grow churches, we are commanded to make disciples. You can’t make disciples if you don’t disciple them. I am very familiar with the PDC and PDL books. Rick is a good writer, but he kills the real Gospel and has created a Church environment that glorifies man instead of God.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  26. Larry – thank you for sharing. That was my point, we can disagree strongly with someone like Rick Warren but we can admit he has some good qualities.


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