The Jesus You Can’t Ignore

by Mike Ratliff

While I was on my Christmas break, I bought and began reading John MacArthur’s 2008 book The Jesus You Can’t Ignore. As I stated in another post, I was in the process of rereading the biography of William Tyndale by David Daniell when I bought and began reading this book. It was as if God was showing me through the persecuted life of William Tyndale that he “got it” about the life of Jesus Christ and recognized that, no matter the cost, he had to obey Him in all things. He took on the entrenched religious system of the Roman Catholic Church and the state church of Henry VIII contemporaneous with the Reformation begun with Martin Luther. Then, as I began reading The Jesus You Can’t Ignore, God showed me that our example is indeed Christ and if we are ministering according to the seeker sensitive, politically correct, Church growth methods then we are actually being friends of this world and not obedient to our true calling to walk and serve according to our Lord’s perfect example.

John MacArthur states in the Prologue:

The way Jesus dealt with His adversaries is in fact a serious rebuke to the church of our generation. We need to pay more careful attention to how Jesus dealt with false teachers, what He thought of religious error, how He defended the truth, whom He commended and whom He condemned—and how little He actually fit the gentle stereotype that is so often imposed on Him today.

Furthermore, His attitude toward false doctrine should also be ours. We cannot be men-pleasers and servants of Christ at the same time.

That is the thesis of this book. We’re going to move chronologically through the gospel accounts of how Jesus handled the religious elite if Israel. We’ll look at how He spoke to individuals, how He responded to organized opposition, how He preached to multitudes, and what He taught His own disciples. The practical lesson regarding how we should conduct ourselves in the presence of false religion is consistent throughout: corruptions of vital biblical truth are not to be trifled with, and the purveyors of different gospels are not to be treated benignly by God’s people. On the contrary, we must take the same approach to false doctrine that Jesus did, by refuting the error, opposing those who spread the error, and contending earnestly for the faith.1

As I completed this book I went back and reread these words and I want to share with you that I agree completely with John MacArthur’s thesis in this book and I believe he did a fine job of giving us the truth about our Lord that is so often suppressed in our day in which He is presented as one who would never seek to offend anyone no matter the topic, et cetera. However, the Word of God clearly shows the opposite. While our Lord was always ready to receive those whose hearts were broken over their sin who saw that they desperately needed a Saviour and came to Him for that instead of seeking to be more religious, He was also very quick and succinct in His rebuke of those entrenched, religious leaders who were more in love with their position and the money it brought them than in obeying God’s truth.

The chapter titled “A Midnight Interview” dealt with our Lord’s interaction with Nicodemus found in John 3. Here is an excerpt of some of MacArthur’s commentary and analogies between the corruption in the religious system of our Lord’s day and that of our own.

Let’s face it: the idea that the entire human race is fallen and condemned is simply too harsh for most people’s tastes. They would rather believe that most people are fundamentally good. Virtually ever popular arbiter of our culture’s highest, noblest values—from Oprah Winfrey to the Hallmark Channel—tells us so constantly. All we need to do, they say, is cultivate our underlying goodness, and we can fix everything wrong with human society. That’s not terribly different from what the Pharisees believed about themselves.

But Scripture says otherwise. We are hopelessly corrupted by sin. All who do not have Christ as Lord and Savior are in bondage to evil, condemned by a just God, and bound for hell. Jesus not only strongly implied those very things in his opening words to Nicodemus; before He had finished fully explaining the gospel that evening, He made His meaning explicit: “He who does not believe is condemned already” (John 3:18).2

MacArthur shows in the chapter “Hard Preaching” that the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5,6 & 7, as well as the Bread of Life Discourse, John 6, were some very hard preaching directed precisely at the false religion of the Scribes and Pharisees and those who followed them. He closed this chapter with a subchapter titled “Not A Tame Preacher.” Here is an excerpt:

Before we wrap up this chapter, it’s worth pausing to consider how Jesus’ preaching might come across if He spoke that way in a stadium filled with typical twenty-first-century evangelicals. Because let’s be candid: Jesus’ style of preaching was nothing at all like most of the popular preaching we hear today—and His style of preaching isn’t likely to generate the kind of enthusiastic arm waving and feel-good atmosphere today’s Christians typically like to see at their mass meetings and outdoor music festivals.3

MacArthur does a fine job of moving through the Gospels and chronologically shows how the hostility towards our Lord, which began quietly and covertly, increased continually until the Jewish religious leaders, even though they knew our Lord spoke the truth, looked for a way to kill Him so they would not lose their own place. Our Lord knew all this, but it did not cause Him to back away, to seek common ground, to have peace with His enemies, the enemies of the truth, no matter the cost. Of course, this is exactly the model of so many of the false teachers and preachers of our day. However, the model for how we are to minister and walk before the face of God in this life is our Lord Himself.

But as we have seen consistently from the very start, the truth mattered more to Jesus than how people felt about it. He wasn’t looking for ways just to make people “like” Him; he was calling people who were willing to bow to Him unconditionally as their Lord. He wasn’t interested in reinforcing the “common-ground” beliefs where His message overlapped with the Pharisee’s worldview. On the contrary, He stressed (almost exclusively) the points on which He disagreed with them. He never acted as if the best way to turn people away from damnable heresies of Pharisee-religion was to make His message sound as much as possible like the popular beliefs of the day. Instead, He stressed (and reiterated again and again) the points of doctrine that were most at odds with the conventional wisdom of Pharisaism.

His strategy frankly would not have been any more welcome in the typical twenty-first-century evangelical gathering than it was right there in the Sanhedrin’s backyard.4

My brethren, I was able to read this book in a couple of weeks, but did most of it over the last 5 or 6 days. I highly recommend this book to you. It is well written and the flow follows precisely the ministry of our Lord and shows how He was “in the face” of the religious hypocrites of His day continually. He would not back down. He would never back away from the truth no matter how offended some became because of it. He was not in a popularity contest.

I was blessed in reading this book because, as I read it, God confirmed in my heart that the Jesus I know and love, my Lord and Saviour, was not a people pleaser. He was not a compromiser about anything. He was God in person. He came as a Man on a specific mission and accomplished it precisely. His enemies killed Him, but even in this, God used this to lay on Him the sins of all for whom He died. He paid the price for their sins. He is their propitiation. All who, therefore, believe the Gospel and receive Him as Lord and Saviour, because they are regenerate, are forgiven of their sins. They have saving faith and their new nature enables them to walk in repentance for the rest of their lives.

Soli Deo Gloria!

1John MacArthur, The Jesus You Can’t Ignore (Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 2008), xv-xvi.

2Ibid, 63-64.

3Ibid, 160.

4Ibid, 187.

26 thoughts on “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore

  1. I, too, loved the book and greatly appreciated Dr. MacArthur’s stance for truth. It is an interesting and encouraging study to look at what Jesus did in response to false teachers. The world system hates the truth yet we must speak it with grace to all both those who are saved and those who are perishing. Thanks for the review, Mike.


  2. Great review of a great book! Thanks Mike for conveying the heart of this often controversial topic. I’ve been reading a lot of MacArthur’s books lately and find them to be awakening me to things I’ve either neglected or not thought much of. More importantly, these books have taken me back to the Word and a deeper understanding of what I believe. Another useful post that I’ve linked to on my blog.



  3. Thank you John and you are very welcome brother. Yes, whenever I read one of J.M.’s books I find that they are totally immersed in God’s Word. I really appreciate that for it does, as you said, takes us back to the Word. Thanks for the linkage brother.


  4. I am looking forward to getting “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” at some point. I just got done a week or two ago reading “The Truth War” by Pastor MacArthur. Loved it. I would suggest that book for anyone. Same with “Ashamed of the Gospel”.

    Thank you for sharing this Mike and God Bless you brother!


  5. A very timely topic indeed!
    Thanks to the lack of this type of preaching, the church is awash in compromise with the world, and rife with the Doctrines of Demons.


  6. David, I am reading The Truth War right now. 🙂 I plan on reviewing it as well. After that I will look at Ashamed of the Gospel.

    I have to work in time to read and was really surprised how easy it was to read The Jesus You Can’t Ignore. God is good to His people and John MacArthur is such a blessing to us in his ability to communicate the truth from God’s Word to us so succinctly and in a way that all of us can understand and take to heart.

    Be blessed brother.


  7. Hi Mike,
    I have not read any of J. M.’s books but this sounds like one that I would enjoy…so I may have to get it. Thank you for the review and I will look forward to the reviews of the others you mentioned.
    There is a good article at Herescope posted yesterday that I noticed this morning. It is titled- People Lovers or God Pleasers? It fits right in with what you are saying.
    Bless you!


  8. Brilliant post! Thank You.

    I, too, have read and greatly appreciated the above mentioned books, all of which truly encourages the study of His precious pure Word. Thereby, equipping the believer to stand firm, fight the good fight [for truth], and run the race — being ready with an answer!

    Blessings to you dear brother, keep up the good fight!

    for His Glory.


  9. Pingback: “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” « Defending. Contending.

  10. amen bro! i just finished writing a comment to a friend on facebook regarding the true nature of the gospel and how Jesus never backed down or compromised His hard message. then i read your post (twittered by phil johnson). i find immense strength here. may we all be bold and endure to the end when standing for the Truth.


  11. Thanks for the review, Mike. Excellent revew, excellent book. The Truth War, Christianity in Crisis, Ashamed of the Gospel, The Jesus You Can’t Ignore…they all should be required reading for Christians. It is very sobering to me to see 2 Tim 4:3-4 being fulfilled…


  12. Forgive my ignorance. Is it ok to have a picture of a man, even one with no face, on the cover, representing Jesus? I understand that it is not there to be an idol, so is it ok? Is this my religiosity and its worrying me unneccesarily? The content seems to be very right from what you’ve written ? This is an honest question, I am not trying to make a silly argument : )


  13. Pingback: The Jesus You Can't Ignore « Girded with Truth

  14. You are welcome Andrew and I agree with you. The main problem in the Church in our time is it is blind and ignorant. A regimen as you described would make a huge difference. Yes, we do appear to be in the midst of 2 Timothy 4:3-4 being fulfilled, but we must never forget that God has, and will always have, His remnant who do know Him and will obey Him. Let us continue to pursue Him and His truth with our all.


  15. Fiona,

    This is not idolatry. If you want that, then go to Rome and the Vatican and look at the statues of the “saints” people pray to. This is just a picture of part of a man reaching forward as he is teaching. It is not meant to inspire worship of “it,” but to draw the reader into the book to discover the truth.

    On the other hand, I do know that there could be some who would idolize something like this, but not anyone who truly knows God and His truth.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  16. “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” a book you can’t put down. I read it in just 3 days! It is a great reminder that sometimes we also have to be offensive in our stance for Christ.


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