Wanna Go to the Catalyst Reverb?





An unrivaled gathering of young, talented, and highly creative leaders. An event that addresses the unique needs of Next Generation Leaders, their vision, and their unique revolutionary spirit. Three days of inspiring content, powerful worship, and unprecedented experiences. It’s Catalyst.The Catalyst Conference is a premiere Leadership experience held in Atlanta, GA, on October 3-5, 2007. Catalyst has quickly become THE event for young leaders from all over the country. After seven years and 50,000 alumni, the Catalyst community is greater than we ever imagined. And we’d like to invite you to join the Catalyst community on October 3-5 in Atlanta.Here is what you need to do:

  1. Take advantage of special GROUP rates by registering early to attend Catalyst. Register your group of 10 or more BEFORE June 28th, 2007 and receive the exclusive SUPER sweet deal of $209 (normally $309). The offer will only be available with your Catalyst Concierge by calling 888.334.6569, or registering online.
  2. Sign up NOW to begin receiving Catalyst Monthly, our FREE online magazine, as well as the FREE Catalyst Podcast, featuring fresh interviews from the leaders you admire most, including Andy Stanley, Erwin McManus, and others.
  3. Register to Win FREE Apple products, including iPhones, MacBooks, iPods, Apple TVs, and more. Winners are chosen WEEKLY from now until Catalyst!

We hope you’ll get involved in at least one of these ways, and most importantly – that you will join us in October!Remember, bring your entire team! Register your group of 10 or more before June 28th to receive the SUPER sweet offer of $209 per person (a $309 value). This offer is only available through your Catalyst Concierge by calling 888.334.6569, or by registering online.Visit the Catalyst website by clicking here.888-334-6569

Great leaders have resonance that stays with people. Their lives create a cultural reverb, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in their circles of influence. How loud is your life + leadership? For three days in October, you are invited to a convergence of leaders like this. Please make no mistake- this is a gathering that will shake you to your core. The music and worship are intense. Our speakers are the benchmark other conferences watch and hope to gather. But the true power of this event can’t be programmed, because it’s a discovery you can only make through personal experience. One Catalyst can create significant change. But 10,000 can actually make history. That much influence has REVERB.

31 thoughts on “Wanna Go to the Catalyst Reverb?

  1. I’m kinda sad to see Dave Ramsey in this line up. I’ve always been fond of his ministry and work.


  2. Jordan,

    Yeah, I know what you mean. There is a pastor I listen too alot on Podcast, but occasionally he will throw in some Rob Bell, etc. It is heartrending to see the lack of discernment these people have on some of this.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  3. What’s up with the price? Holy insane amount of money per person Batman. And they say that’s a super sweet deal? I could have gone to the True Church Confrence 4 or 5 times over for that.


  4. “And we give couple rates to gays with nursery workers for your children.”

    “For those interested in the Muslim version of catalyst, make sure to check the Isalm box”.

    Workshops include:

    Mary, her continuing ministry.
    The angel Moroni and his evangelical power.
    The 144,000 new age evangelicals.
    Get over it, greet a gay with a holy kiss.
    The path to heaven, feed the poor.
    Pornography, a bridge for witnessing.
    Seeing Christ in Hitler.

    And giving the final address on closing night, Sun Yung Moon speaks on “Open your eyes, Jesus is here already!”

    That may be funny but it is also sadly close to reality.


  5. Very sad. Many will be offended and fall away someday. We must pray for our brothers and sisters whose eyes are not yet opened to the truth. Only the Holy Spirit is able to reveal.


  6. Rachel,

    I watched some the promo stuff on their “sales” site and it is so deceiving. It is all experiential and self-focused. Not once to you hear of God’s glory nor our responsibility to obey Him. No, it’s about reforming the church to match the culture. You are right only the Holy Spirit is able to reveal.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  7. Not to be too harsh on Dave Ramsey, but when I hear of him I am reminded of what my sister, a Unity Church member of many years, told me when she recommended his book knowing of my commitment to Christ, that Dave “uses the Bible but not in a way that is too overwhelming, you know!” “He’s not real pushy about it”

    Sure Dave does some good counseling when it comes to finances and it can be commendable, but when all the fritz is pared away from his “ministry” what is left at the end of the day is just another self-proclaimed “evangelical” using the Bible to profit thus I find it not so surprising to see him posted right beside the profiteer-general of American Evangelicalism Rick Warren.

    I would invite either to take their messages to the jungles of South America, deserts of Africa or the Middle East or the heart of communist North Korea and see if they remain “relevant” or if that is even what it is all about.

    My 2 cents…

    In Christ,


  8. Mike – highly recommend you strip their coding from the picture links and/or re-host the pics on your own space so you don’t give them extra tracking info and hits. Just a thought. =)


  9. Wake,

    I thought about that. In fact I have been contemplating doing that all afternoon. However, i can tell what people click. Not very many are following those links. I probably will take them out though. Thanks.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  10. Wow, that Craig looks sort of like that guy that use to play ‘superman’!! Can’t remember his name right off. What a line up they have. Can you imagine the money this false event will bring in and line their pockets with……cha-ching!!! $$$$$$ They’ll be laughing all the way to the bank………


  11. Thanks Mike.

    I wonder how these “speakers” would respond to a message like the one Paul Washer preached at First Baptist Church of Muscle Shoals on Sunday which focused on Paul’s declaration of being a “bondservant” of the Lord Jesus Christ in Romans 1:1? What would you say these people are slaves to?

    BTW – It’s well worth the listen for certain…

    Another thought in hopes that he’ll abandon the whole “pastor” label – did you notice the description of Rick Warren? “Global Humanitarian and Influencer” – I’ll give him that all day, he can have it. I just wish he’d drop the whole “pastor” label for those worthy of the calling.

    I followed the links and was able to find out that they had a pillow fight and the champions of dodge ball at their 2006 conference. I think I’ll have to dig really deep into Strong’s to find out where the Bible speaks of pillow fights leading to greater godliness or the theological implications of a game of dodge ball.

    Glad I visited the site…NOT!

    In Christ,


  12. Bill the difference is amazing. When you hear a sermon that is based in scripture – exegetically based that is – then hear something from this bunch then we can see or hear the difference. The problem is that we have discernment while those people having spiritual pillow fights have none or next to none. The Gospel divides people, it does not bring them together no matter what. When we complain about this stuff or point it out for what it is and isn’t we are looked at as if we are grouchy stick in the muds who don’t want anyone to have any fun. The thing is though, the gospel is serious business. It is not play time. It is not about self-focused worship. It’s about obeying God by telling the truth which God uses to shine His light of truth into the darkness to redeem His people from it. That is not fun time, it’s serious dangerous work.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  13. “The thing is though, the gospel is serious business. It is not play time. It is not about self-focused worship. It’s about obeying God by telling the truth which God uses to shine His light of truth into the darkness to redeem His people from it. That is not fun time, it’s serious dangerous work.”

    Well said, Mike. I praise God that there is a remnant. I cannot praise Him enough for giving me the discernment to see the errors and heresies. O Lord, You are good!

    But my heart is heavy with a burden for the lost. All of this emergent junk is making it more difficult to get the True Gospel into the ears of the people. I know that God will save whom He will save. But I’m still grieved.

    Mike, how do we make more of an impact? Or, can we? Is it too late?


  14. Carol,
    I don’t know how to make a greater impact than living and walking before the face of God as a Spirit-led believer. This is one who obeys Him in all they do. When they sin, they repent and seek forgiveness from people who don’t deserve anything except hellfire. Then when God draw them to Himself, He will use you in such a way that they will be gloriously saved. Seek first the Kingdom and Christ’s Righteousness in all you do then watch God impact those around you through you. Always be ready to share you faith and tell the truth about hell and sin in the process. If we will do this, then God will put His hand on us and use us for His glory. I can’t think of anything that would make a greater impact on this lost and dying world than that.
    In Christ
    Mike Ratliff


  15. Hi Mike,

    Yes, the first thing is that I keep Him ever before my eyes. I’ve lost many “Christian” friends because I refuse to compromise. I delight in following Him.

    I guess I was asking a bit of a rhetorical question. I mean, I know that we just keep on keepin’ on. I never tire of sharing the Gospel. But the spiritual climate is suffocating. There are so many people coming from so many different directions, being influenced so easily as technology allows heresies to spread so quickly.

    The emergent and PDL types are having a huge impact on everyone around me. Well, now there aren’t many around me anymore. They’ve all thrown their hands up; they’ve given up on me because I won’t compromise.

    But can I give up on them? That’s the question. I keep hoping and praying that they will see the Light. But didn’t Jesus say in John 17 that He only prayed for those whom the Father gave Him? He said He doesn’t pray for the world. How can we know who to invest time with? Do we give up on these emergent guys and assume that they are lost forever?

    Okay, I’m just thinking out loud…


  16. Amen Carol. I know what you mean. I try not to sever relationships with anyone. They usually sever the relationship with me. 🙂 They are in God’s hands. We must pray for them and always be ready to speak the truth to them. I don’t know what else we can do. 🙂

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  17. Why was I redirected to your site when I was looking to go to the Catalyst site? Do you think its “Christian” to hijack people to spread your “gospel”? I find it amazing that you have a whole teaching series on judging others, considering your remarks here.

    I don’t agree with every person on this panel speaking, but Craig Groeshal and Erwin McManus feed me weekly. Andy Stanley is a great teacher and like him or not Rick Warren has led more of the unchurched to Christ than most ministries around today. None of these men are perfect, but neither are any of you. While most of the “church” is busy shuffling sheep while ignoring the real needs around them, at least these men are making efforts to reach the lost for Christ.

    It’s easy to criticize what you don’t understand. Look, I love Spurgeon as much as anyone and I have read the majority of his teachings, but it sounds like it’s time you put the dusty books away and realize there is a whole generation that will never be reached by Spurgeon’s methods today. Sprurgeon himself was an innovator and controversial in his day; had you lived then, you may have been among his critics; if he lived today; he’d be speaking at Catalyst.


  18. Gary,

    I have no idea what you are talking about. However, if you are being fed by these fellows daily then you are in darkness and the food you are consuming is not from God.

    Spurgeon would not be speaking at Catalyst, he would classify it as part of the great Downgrade which he stood against with his entire ministry. Wake up son.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  19. When I read of such antics it reminds me that we are exhorted to be rid of the partying spirit. This is sad. But it will make the True Light shine brighter if we remain steadfast in the faith with Jesus Christ.


  20. Mike,

    Do you know these speakers?
    Have you read transcripts of what they’ve said?
    Have you even been to one of these conferences?

    I see no factual or justified biblical backing to your criticisms. What I see here is an example of why there is a declining credibility in Christianity in this country. I don’t believe anyone speaking at this conference is watering down or miscommunicating the Gospel. If that was the case, I’d be far from this.

    I’ve been the past two years. Your knowledge of this event is dodgeball and pillow fights? That was an entertainment break that took all of 5-10 minutes? Christians can’t have fun?

    I came across your site by accident through a Google search. You are misinformed and commenting from a position of incomplete research. I don’t know you or how you spread or teach the Gospel. It would be disingenuous of me to speak authoritatively of your intentions and teachings based on your comments on this site. It appears you’ve done the same on this conference and the people involved.

    God Bless,


  21. I posted this on June 5 and it is time for comments for this info post to be closed. 🙂

    However, to Brad. Do these men preach the gospel? Yes and no. They preach the man-pleasing gospel that does not contain the bad news of Romans 3. I do not have to give you any “examples” because this site and Christian Research Netword and countless others do show what these men preach and why it is apostasy. You are the one who needs to do some research.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


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