What is the Synagogue of Satan?

by Mike Ratliff

“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” (Revelation 2:9 ESV)

A few days ago, a certain person posted an  “article” on another blog in which he accused Ken Silva and Ingrid Schlueter and their ministries of being the “Synagogue of Satan.” He stated that Ken and Ingrid along with other contributors to their ministries were this “synagogue of Satan” because they were “those Christians who would mock, slander and persecute brothers in the church by insisting on certain beliefs and actions above and beyond those given by Yeshua and his Apostles. Like the Judaizers of old, they insist on works for the purpose of salvation, or they insist on belief in specific man-made doctrines for inclusion in the kingdom. They try to close the door opened by Christ, the open door that no one can shut.”

The “above and beyond” “beliefs and actions” were referring to things such as expositional preaching over purely “topical” Christless preaching that only adds more tares to their churches. The statement that insistence on proper handling of God’s Word and the preaching of the whole Gospel is “above and beyond” that given by Yeshua and his Apostles is simply an act of deliberately ignoring what the Word of God teaches us. When a discerning man of God points out to a pastor that showing a movie of a glassblower and his finished product is not the same thing as preaching the Gospel he is simply being obedient to the Spirit of God as instructed in God’s Word to not allow those who preach error to go unchallenged. The “man-made doctrines” this fellow has a problem with are the doctrines of grace. In this, he is showing his ignorance of church history. The doctrines of grace stand alone above all other forms of Christianity in being completely Biblical.

The last statement is what got most of my attention though. This is a deliberate misuse of scripture. I exposited the passage in question last evening in this post.  The open door was one open by Christ for the members of that church to move through in obedience to Him. This had nothing to do with including or excluding Christians from being part of the Church. However, if you want to see how narrow the gate really is that genuine believers must go through in order to be saved then carefully read the following passage.

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14 ESV)

We are not trying to narrow a gate that Christ has opened. We are simply pointing people to this narrow gate for it is the ONLY way to salvation. No one enters it by works for that is how people take the broad and easy way, which leads to death. No, the only ones who find this gate are called and drawn to it by God and they enter it by faith, which is given to them as that precious gift given to all He calls to be saved (Ephesians 2:1-10). Our Lord also deliberately drove away hundreds of followers with hard preaching because they sought Him for what they could get from Him such as food and healing. However, He would have none of it. In fact, He preached to them a sermon that caused all but His 12 disciples to leave Him (John 6:25-66).

What about this “synagogue of Satan?” Who is this? If you read this post then you know it was non-Christian, religious Jews. They were religious, but they had only man-made faith, not the faith given by God to all who are saved by grace through faith. The Greek word translated as “synagogue” is συναγωγή or sunagōgē. It literally means, “to lead together.” This word is used to describe the assembling of people into a gathering or congregation. It is not used to imply the natural unity of the people, but a community established in a special way and for a special object. When our Lord used the term “Synagogue of Satan” in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9, he was referring to unbelieving Jews who had not the gift of faith. Only those who have this faith from God are children of Abraham. Those Jews who clung to their works righteousness while rejecting Christ as Lord and Saviour proved they were not of the synagogue of believers, but of Satan because they were in unbelief and hated the truth.

Those in the “synagogue of Satan” were attempting to keep people from entering by the narrow gate. They refused to believe that those who were the true children of Abraham because they had saving faith were justified by that faith alone. We teach that genuine Christians are saved by grace through faith and it is all a gift from God. Our Lord made in clear in John 6 that no one comes to Him unless the Father draws them and the only ones He draws are those chosen by Him (Ephesians 1). The issues for these in the “synagogue of Satan” are that they have rejected grace while insisting on salvation by works of the Law. However, the Law saves no one. The Law is designed only to reveal the lost condition and utter sinfulness of Man. That is all it can do. It can deliver no one. The Law did not justify Abraham. He lived hundreds of years before the Law. He was justified by faith just as we are.

Therefore, when we point out to the emergents and those in the New Evangelism, those in the Church Growth movement, et cetera that all they are doing is filling their local churches with tares because they are neglecting the Word of God and the whole Gospel, we are not saying these things to be mean or disagreeable. No, we point these things out to them because we are told to do this in God’s Word (Jude 1:1-25). We must confront those who preach a false gospel and lead people astray. This is not legalism. This is not an attempt to put others down. This is simply obedience on our part in order that “some” may repent as God opens their eyes to the truth. Unless He does this then no one believes or repents.

Soli Deo Gloria!

37 thoughts on “What is the Synagogue of Satan?

  1. Pingback: What is the Synagogue of Satan? - Reformata

  2. AMEN Mike!! They refuse to read their Bibles and study on their own. They totally reject TULIP. Pride, their fault. That is the one thing that sets Christianity apart from all the other ‘ones’. We don’t have a works gospel to work our way to heaven and they just can’t accept that. Total depravity is a cuss word to them. They are so semi pelagian it stinks! Dead people CAN’T make a ‘decision’ when it comes to SPIRITUAL things. They can’t get that through their heads! The Bible clearly states we ARE DEAD SPIRITUALLY until the Holy Spirit, NOT US, regenerates us. THEN we run to Him, instead of away. The veil has been removed from our eyes for the first time and we really can see, so YES our response is to RUN to Him now that He has shown us what we really are…..so that makes us a robot?? Get real. HELLO, you think they’d get that and then BEG God to open their eyes and ears so they could see what we are talking about. But nope, their PRIDE (you know, the thing that got Lucifer kicked out) is the SAME thing they have going on.


  3. Amen Mike. In fact, since “Those in the “synagogue of Satan” were attempting to keep people from entering by the narrow gate”, then these deluded people, because they are leading people to the wide gate, are actually functioning like the synagogue of Satan.


  4. The “above and beyond” “beliefs and actions” were referring to things such as expositional preaching over purely “topical” Christless preaching that only adds more tares to their churches.

    If nothing else, you’re a poor mind-reader, Mike. I was referring more to the slander and gossip against brothers and sisters in Christ, in the sanctimonious garb of “discernment”.

    You’ve got some serious anger and discernment issues, dude.

    But, since you won’t even have the stomach to post this (since it doesn’t agree with your Kool-Aid drinkers), I’ll just leave it at that…


  5. Mike Ratliff,

    My holy and pious brother in the Lord Chris L. of CRN.Info has posted a comment in reply to your post which has not yet appeared in your combox. I do pray that you’ll release the anointed power of his righteous words for the edification of your audience and furthermore I invite you and your readership to join the sanctified discussion taking place over at CRN.Info in Chris L.’s original post.

    In perfect, pure and fervent (yet platonic) love,


  6. Mike, Thank you for this excellent post and for correcting the person in question. I can not for the life of me figure out how a true regenerated Christian could find Ken and Ingrid offensive, and I am pleased that you set the record straight.

    Continue your articles, and don’t be afraid to speak on the fear of the Lord, even if this topic has become unpopular. A quick check in any good concordance shows that the phrases “fear of God,” “fear of the Lord,” “fear God,” “fear him,” and “fear the Lord” occur many times in the Word.


  7. Chrs L, If that is what you really meant then why didn’t you say so in your post? The anger and discernment issues are found within those commenters on your original post not here. 🙂 That is pretty cheap to write one thing then when you are confronted about it insist that that was not what you meant.


  8. ES,

    I suggest you change your handle. It is quite offensive to have someone jabbering such nonsense while attempting to make it look like that is how Charles Spurgeon talked or preached, which he didn’t. Also, if he was here today he would rebuke those you are hanging out with and tell them truthfully that they are simply the product of the Great Downgrade, which he fought to the end of his life. I suggest you read what the man said and wrote and preached.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  9. way to go Mike..

    Excellent point. And to call brothers and sisters in Christ the synagogue of Satan is beyond the pale IMHO.

    Of course, for them over there at C?N.info, this is regular fare; to claim to be protecting against persecution from within and scream against the assaults of Ingrid and Ken while they themselves practice the same thing (See Romans 2) that they claim to decry. Hypocrisy.


  10. I have never found you in conflict with the Word of God, Mike. Ken and Ingrid stand for the Truth, as well. We are not surprised at the stench that passes for Christianity today, only sad.

    God bless.


  11. “A better question might be what isn’t a part of the ministry of Satan on SOL and CRN. Virtually every article is an attack on believers. Not to mention a posting of a sermon by Paul Washer, who is the ultimate in works-based preaching.”

    This comment from a “Bo Diaz,” who gives every impression of being an anonymous coward unwilling to use his/her actual name unlike e.g. you, me and Ingrid, appears to sum up how many of the commentors at CRN.Hate actually feel.

    Frankly, I think it’s good that they come out of the closet and state what we’ve pretty much known they’ve always felt. As I mentioned in a piece concerning Rob Bell where it looked to me as if he questioned my salvation: We aren’t preaching the same Gospel.


  12. Very good post. We were pointed to from the pulpit as “liars from the pit of hell.” Our names weren’t mentioned, but a few realized the pastor was speaking about us. What was our crime? Telling people why we left our former church, we were overheard. We believed (and still do) that our church was playing with emergent authors, and that quoting these authors without some kind of disclaimer was irresponsible for the pastors. We felt that using men’s words so frequently, not preaching from the scriptures but using them for topics was also not great. It was no longer a Christ centered church. Man and what he could do to change the world was the focus. With little threads of mysticism, we had to get our children out of that environment for fear they would be trained incorrectly. We were told by the pastor not to speak about the church in the way we were any longer. We couldn’t stop though, if someone asked why we left we had to share the truth. Therefore, we were “spreading rumors” and “telling lies from the pit of hell.” It was a small comment and we are small people. It really was a blip (though it hurt that day). Ken, Ingrid, and others put themselves out there every day in a big way…and don’t hide. They become targets because they present the truth hard and straight. We barely squeak, but owe Ingrid, Ken, Deborah, and many others a great deal for being an example so we could even bear to squeak.


  13. “Our Lord made in clear in John 6 that no one comes to Him unless the Father draws them and the only ones He draws are those chosen by Him (Ephesians 1).”

    Mike, there you go again being so mean-spirited and kool-aid dispensing, you, you, TRUTH MONGER! (Ha, jk.) Amen to your article! Salvation is of The Lord. Pride blinds people from seeing the doctrines of grace. They sparkle like diamonds in God’s Word, but through the twisted glasses of Arminianism they appear only as coals … if at all. It’s time for this biblical teaching to thunder from more pulpits.


  14. If that is what you really meant then why didn’t you say so in your post?

    Actually, I DID say this in the post. I quote:

    On the other side, we have the ’synagogue of Satan’, those Christians who would mock, slander and persecute brothers in the church by insisting on certain beliefs and actions above and beyond those given by Yeshua and his Apostles. Like the Judaizers of old, they insist on works for the purpose of salvation, or they insist on belief in specific man-made doctrines for inclusion in the kingdom.

    That is pretty cheap to write one thing then when you are confronted about it insist that that was not what you meant.

    Which is why I didn’t do so. I wrote one thing (see above) and you wrote another (The “above and beyond” “beliefs and actions” were referring to things such as expositional preaching over purely “topical” Christless preaching that only adds more tares to their churches.).

    I said nothing about teaching orthodoxy vs. teaching orthopraxy (which I happen to believe are more valuable in balance, as evidenced by Jesus’ practice, than at either extreme). And I find it rather hubristic and sanctimonious to seem to think you know whether wheat, tares or a combination of the two are coming into a church. Thus your issues with anything that even resembles biblical ‘discernment’.


  15. Chris L, No, I read your post and you most certainly did mean what I wrote. The reason I do not participate in these “discussions” much is for this very reason. All you are going to do is deny that you meant what you said, etc. The little bit of discernment I do have is all based on God’s Word, not any abilities I have. Our Lord said that we can know who are wheat and who are tares by their fruits. You do know that one don’t you Chris? Well, for me to address this is not being hubristic or sanctimonious, but only addressing things such as the comments in your post that were full of conjecture while attempting to lead your readers to believe your points to be true, which are simply based in your anger and hatred of Ken and Ingrid and a few others you don’t seem to care much for who all have one thing in common. Their basis for knowing what is true ministry and what is not is the standard of God’s Word, not feelings, not culture, et cetera. No, only God’s Word can be our yardstick. Therefore, when we confront so-called Christian leaders who violate the clear teaching of Sacred Scripture in their ministries then we are not being judgmental, et cetera, but obedient.

    If all you are wanting to do is argue then this conversation is over. However, if you will pull out your Bible and use scripture to show me where I am wrong then we can discuss.

    In Christ

    Mike Ratliff


  16. Chris Lyons says, “I find it rather hubristic and sanctimonious to seem to think you know whether wheat, tares or a combination of the two are coming into a church. Thus your issues with anything that even resembles biblical ‘discernment’.”

    Well, I find it rather hubristic and sanctimonious to seem to think he knows whether wheat, tares or a combination of the two are the synagigue of Satan.

    Thus his issues with hypocrisy and anything that even resembles biblical ‘discernment’. So there you go.


  17. Pingback: Don’t Believe Everything You Read… - Reformata

  18. Mike,

    Today I was dreading the Bible study at work because I wasn’t sure if it was God’s will that I go and speak up about the gambling or just not have ‘fellowship’ with them. I did go and I spoke up immediately by asking everyone, “I want to speak up about the gambling. Do you think that as Christians, that is what we should be doing?” It got kind of quiet and I got a response which started out with, “I don’t know the Bible or what it says, err umm … uhhh errr… ” and then I interrupted and shared verses which forbids us from partaking in dishonest gain, filthy lucre, or anything else that would be foolish. Their ears were open and I began to go on and on to give examples of people being addicted to playing the lottery, buying lottery tickets, and not repairing their cars which could barely even get them to the same gas station where they were spending money on dozens of lottery tickets.
    It is just plain foolish to hasten to be rich…. see Proverb 28:20.

    Praise God that they all agreed to repent and they allowed me to lead the prayer this morning. Priceless situation, eh Mike?!! 🙂


  19. Remember Mike, the Emergents imply that Jesus was ‘cool’ and the world welcomed him with open arms. This misconception is just another lie which lures men into their masses because of a seducing spirit. A seducing spirit makes easy prey of men who are simple minded, naive, or worldly in their thinking. As you know, those same seeker sensitive folks are still enslaved to their flesh, and unable to comprehend or discern the will of God. Though they may believe that they are doing the will of God, they still bear bad fruit and there is no root in them. When adversity rises they quickly resemble Job’s 3 friends, and are incapable of relating to our savior as a fellow sufferer who was himself led into the wilderness by the Father to experience the unpleasant. The mark of Christianity to the Emergents, Ecumenicals, and the Health and Wealth gospels are all the same…. everything dainty and goodly is a sign to show that we are in God’s favor. But do they realize that a life without opposition, troubles and hardship is the wide easy road which leads to destruction? The WW2 bomber pilots had a saying which goes like this..” You know that you are over the target zone when you start receiving flak.” Isn’t this true about walking the narrow way? When we serve God and strive to be obedient no matter the cost, opposition can come at us wave after wave. Those arrows sting, but they will not destroy us. We may take a beating, be crushed, hated and rejected by the world like Jesus was, but we will not be destroyed. Jesus will not allow that to happen.


  20. Mike,

    I apologize for not clarifying the matter until now, but I was “Emergin’ Spurgeon” above. I dropped the comment on a lark and didn’t return to follow up.

    At any rate, you’ll need to follow the link I embedded and then read through E.S.’s comments over at CRN.Info to get the gist of the matter, but in a nutshell I created and used him as a fun and hopefully thought provoking exercise in reductum ad absurdum in Chris L.’s original thread.

    Methinks ribald satire is often misunderestimated.

    In Christ,


  21. I apologize C.D. I simply cannot bear going to “that site” very much at all. However, now that I see what you are doing with ES then I applaud you. Very well done. You sure got me. 🙂 In any case, I do agree completely with your statement, “reductum ad absurdum” referring to Chris L’s original post. 🙂


  22. Pingback: The Internet Front of the Truth War is an Ugly Place « Possessing the Treasure

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