Holy, Holy , Holy

For the Lord’s Day I would like to change our focus a bit.

Some of the comments and emails pertaining to our last two discussions, Genuine Repentance and That Which Defiles, which I did not post or share were very interesting. The demands for tolerance of fleshly behavior and unity at all costs intermixed with sarcastic statements and demeaning comments brought much sorrow to this heart.

In any case, we must pray for these people that God would break through their blindness and draw them into the light. Also, that He would reveal to them that their concern for freedom is totally misguided and should be replaced with reverence and focus and devotion to His glory alone.

Below are the words to my favorite Hymn. I’m not sharing it for that reason though.The reason I am using it is that it directs our devotion to the proper person, off of self and onto our Most High God! Yes, worship Him, praise Him, and repent of all of your self-focus and demands that are only meant to bring self-gratification.

Holy, Holy, Holy

by Reginald Heber 1826

  1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
    Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
    Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
    God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
  2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
    Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
    Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
    Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.
  3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee,
    Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
    Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
    Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.
  4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
    All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
    Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
    God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!

30 thoughts on “Holy, Holy , Holy

  1. All True Grace in the Heart Tends to Holy Practice in the Life.
    by Jonathan Edwards

    God ordained that men should walk in good works, as says the apostle, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10).

    And again it is said, that the elect are chosen to this very end — “He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in love” (Eph. 1:4). And so Christ tells his disciples, “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain” (John 15:16).

    Now God’s eternal election is the first ground of the bestowment of saving grace. And some have such saving grace, and others do not have it, because some are from eternity chosen of God, and others are not chosen. And seeing that holy practice is the scope and aim of that which is the first ground of the bestowment of grace, this same holy practice is doubtless the tendency of grace itself.
    “For their sakes,” he says, “I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth” (John 17:19). And Christ thus redeemed the elect, and purchased grace for them, to the end that they might walk in holy practice.


  2. We sing that hymn in church. I really love it. It makes me think of the scenes of heaven in Revelation, it’s a very edifying hymn. I grew up devoid of anything like that, I can’t imagine why so many people don’t like hymnals. They have a lot of God-honoring content. It’s sets your focus pretty well. Thanks Mike for posting that.



  3. It’s too bad that the responses were hard/unfeeling. There are times that I, too, feel like putting a black shroud over the computer.
    Seriously, it is quite a trick to use the internet for spiritual matters; People seem to sometimes act like they do when behind the wheel of a large vehicle, and respond aggressively. You are correct that they need prayer; we all do.
    Satan will do what he can to mess up efforts for Christ, but Christ will overcome him. Be of good courage.


  4. “The demands for tolerance of fleshly behavior and unity at all costs intermixed with sarcastic statements and demeaning comments brought much sorrow to this heart.”

    No compromise Mike, no compromise. In some ways you remind me of the late Keith Green and he got his fair share of discouragement from professors of the faith. Let not your heart be troubled, press on and upwards.

    Oh that more professors of the faith would catch just a glimpse of the holiness of God and come to truly fear Him. To tremble at His word.

    Hell is full of the Divine holiness!

    (Winslow, “Holiness, the Fruit of the Chastening of Love”)

    Hell is full of the Divine holiness; holiness
    in the manifestation of justice; holiness in
    its most glorious exercise.

    How fearfully are the lost now learning this truth!

    Think it not a trifling matter, unconverted reader,
    to look into the bottomless pit, and to know that
    there is but a step and you are there! You walk to
    the end of the treacherous plank, and you are gone!

    O solemn thought! but one step between you and
    the quenchless flame! but one step between you
    and endless torment!

    Throughout eternity the lost soul will be testifying
    to this truth: “God is holy; I was a sinner; I rejected
    His salvation, I turned my back upon His gospel,
    I despised His Son, I hated God Himself, I lived in
    my sins, I loved my sins, I died in my sins, and now
    I am lost! to all eternity lost! And God is righteous
    in my condemnation!”


  5. The Lord has been stripped of His holiness by the earthly theologies of men. In an effort to have God accommodate the lifestyles of sinners many have conformed God to the desires of men. Even the most rudimentary teachings of practical behavior are now eschewed and redefined so as to remove any conviction and bypass sanctification.

    What are we to say about a form of Christianity that feels no remorse, much less repentance, about their unchristian behavior? Even salvation is defined as a makeover for this world while completey downplaying the atonement. Only a revival among us will retake the spiritual momentum. Historical Christianity is no longer attractive to the cultural and carnal mind, and any sacrifice is viewed as legalism.

    My disagreement with the tone of some discernment blogs is well documented, but I have come to see that same tone lives on all “sides”. “Having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

    Sorry for such a long comment, Mike.


  6. We are His workmanship, not our own. Most mornings, like this one, I wake up with self-focus. I must quickly put a song of praise in my heart and pray. A perfect post for this Lord’s Day, thanks!


  7. That just happens to be our favorite hymn! Last night we were in Independence Mo. and we went to the Handles Messiah concert. WOW In a church that seated 10,000. They sang nothing but scripture (KJV) What a blessing it was. All I could think about was ‘this is just a little taste of what we will hear in Heaven’ Have a blessed Lords day.


  8. Thank you Mike,
    It’s been a rough few days but back to the only thing that really matters. Our Holy Father and Lord Jesus Christ. This is is a hymn that always makes me weep. Have a blessed Lord’s Day.


  9. Thanks for your desire to point to God’s holiness, in a world where the line has been blurred between the sacred and the secular.

    I’m reading a powerful book that is one of the best I’ve found dealing with the proper balance between God’s holiness and His love; His justice and His mercy. I recommend it highly. The title is “A Deep But Dazzling Darkness; Exploring God’s “Dark Side” in the Light of His Love.” It can be found at


    Dan Serns


  10. “The Lord has been stripped of His holiness by the earthly theologies of men. In an effort to have God accommodate the lifestyles of sinners many have conformed God to the desires of men.”

    Exactly what Arminianism has done and why we need to return preaching the thrice Holy, glorious and majestic, completely sovereign, LORD God Almighty of the Bible.

    “Even the most rudimentary teachings of practical behavior are now eschewed and redefined so as to remove any conviction and bypass sanctification.”

    Exactly the result of the semi-pelagianism inherent within the Arminianism of the new evangelicalism and the emerging church.

    “Historical Christianity is no longer attractive to the cultural and carnal mind, and any sacrifice is viewed as legalism.”

    Therein lies the rotten root of Arminianism; true Biblical Christianity can never be attractive “to the cultural and carnal mind,” which is why preaching the doctrines of grace is imperative for any real revival.

    Otherwise the visible church continues to be filled with people who think they are saved because they made some “decision.” These then are the ones, often filling pulpits today in the American Christian Church, who say “any sacrifice is viewed as legalism.”

    And if it were me, I sure wouldn’t want to be yoked to them by contributing on one of their blogs.


  11. I love the Lord, and I love that the Lord places people like yourself on the internet to respond to God and teach and lead others to Christ!
    Keep doing what you are doing. You are not alone. I will keep you in my prayers and please pray for me also.
    Enjoy ThanksGiving!!!

    “All hail the crown of Jesus-
    Let glad angels protrate fall
    Bring forth the royal Diadem and crown him Lord of
    I do not know the author of that song but it gives me the same feeling that Holy, Holy, Holy, gives me….the recognition of God’s might, power, omipresence and distinct Holiness that without Jesus as savior–no man will be able to enter the great city of God!!!


  12. I have stepped down as a contributor because of differences, but I have benefited greatly from the insights I received. I have shared some of my observations at FJL entitled “The Christianity I Do Not Recognize”.

    Ken – check out the pulpit ministry of Times Square Church which is abundantly Arminian and you may see that it is the unscriptural application of Arminianism that lies at the root not the teachings themselves. BTW – Tozer and Ravenhill who post postumously at CRN were decided Arminians, again, application my friend.


  13. Thanks for the hymn, Mike—wish we would sing it more often. Thanks to you also, for your stand for the Word of God. It is disheartening to see people who name the name of Christ handle the Word of God deceitfully for their own gain. Whether it is monitary gain or that of prestidge among their peers for taking the “high road” of being more “loving” and “understanding” and “tolerant” (read excusing sin and sinful behavior) of their “brothers” as they pursue their manufactured god and ultimately a false gospel.

    Bottom line: keep on doing what you are doing. Magnify Christ. Proclaim the truth of His Word. The false breathren that you encounter will always be there (I Cor. 11:19).


  14. Hey Henry (Rick),
    Good to see you back. I don’t go out to the battlefield much, so I don’t know your back story, but I always enjoy your comments here. 🙂


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