Spurgeon on Persevering Grace

I have always be puzzled over why some reject the Doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. The evidence of the veracity of this doctrine in the Word of God is overwhelming. Of course the culprit in that resistance is the same as that which opposes each of the doctrines of grace. The Sovereignty of God is the issue. How far does it extend? Is there a limit to it? To what extent does Man have autonomy? I pray that our study of the doctrines of grace has helped you in seeing that God is Sovereign and Man, being a creature in His creation, is under His sovereignty even as all other creatures. Let us end this study with Charles Spurgeon’s take on the Doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints.

Isaiah 6 by Todd Agnew

I saw the Lord, seated on a throne, high and exalted
And the train of His robe filled the temple
Above Him were angels, with six mighty wings
And with two they’d cover their faces
With two they’d cover their feet
With two, they’d fly
With two, they’d fly… and sing

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
The whole earth is full of His glory
He’s glorious

I said, “Woe to me, I am ruined
I am unclean, and so are all my kind
But my eyes have seen the King
The Lord Almighty

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
The whole earth is full of His glory
He’s glorious

An angel flew to me and he had fire in His hand
He put it to my lips and God took away my sin
He took away my sin

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
And the whole earth is full of His glory
He’s glorious
You’re glorious

Hymns – His Grace Untold

Christians draw near to their God through prayer, His Word, and worship. If we have a hard time worshiping our Lord because we don’t care for the “worship style” then what is the problem? At my former church many of my generation and older left when the Pastor decided to cut out all hymns and go 100% contemporary. Why do you suppose he did that? I like some contemporary praise and worship songs, however, hymns also carry my heart directly to the throne of almighty God as I bow at His feet in worship.

I received a copy of Tonya Betz’s latest CD a few weeks ago to preview. The title of the CD is “HYMNS – His Grace Untold.” I have been listening to it while I study and write for the last three weeks and have been blessed. The music style is Tonya singing to self-accompanied acoustic guitar. My memory of the wonderful hymns on this CD are of a large choir and the whole assembled church singing together. It is a whole different experience to hear them as Tonya sings and plays. Here is a list of the hymns on this CD.

1. Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
2. I Once Was a Stranger
3. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (this is my favorite one on this CD)
4. My Lord, I Did Not Choose You
5. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
6. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
7. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
8. Be Thou My Vision
9. The Church’s One Foundation
10. It Is Well With My Soul

The price of the CD is $14.00 which includes shipping and handling. You can order it here. www.tonyabetz.com

Another thing important to know about this CD  is that the music is used in a very dynamic street preaching ministry and proceeds from sales are used to buy Bibles and tracts for that. I highly recommend this CD to you and I recommend that you incorporate it into your own devotional time with the Lord. To Him be all the glory! – Mike Ratliff