The Man God Uses

by Mike Ratliff

Our friend Sherry sent me the following piece by H.L. Roush last week. I was in the midst of several battles at that time and as I read it the Spirit encouraged me greatly. There are times that it is as if those mythical creatures from Hell called Harpies are surrounding us, tormenting us, and doing their all to frustrate us. Of course, there is no such thing as Harpies, but there are demonic powers and our enemy who hates us. They do their all to try to rob God of His glory. They cannot touch Him, so they attack the Church and each individual in it who is actively living for God’s glory. These things can cause us to get our eyes off of our Lord and the prize that awaits in eternity. We become distracted in our frustration and this causes us to become self-focused and on the road to defeat. Continue reading